sugartensor.sg_train module


Initializes session variables.

sess: Session to initialize.
sugartensor.sg_train.sg_optim(loss, **kwargs)[source]

Applies gradients to variables.


loss: A 0-D Tensor containing the value to minimize. kwargs:

optim: A name for optimizer. ‘MaxProp’ (default), ‘AdaMax’, ‘Adam’, or ‘sgd’. lr: A Python Scalar (optional). Learning rate. Default is .001. beta1: A Python Scalar (optional). Default is .9. beta2: A Python Scalar (optional). Default is .99. category: A string or string list. Specifies the variables that should be trained (optional).

Only if the name of a trainable variable starts with category, it’s value is updated. Default is ‘’, which means all trainable variables are updated.

Simple tensor printing function for debugging. Prints the value, shape, and data type of each tensor in the list.

tensor_list: A list/tuple of tensors or a single tensor.
The value of the tensors.

For example,

`python import sugartensor as tf a = tf.constant([1.]) b = tf.constant([2.]) out = tf.sg_print([a, b]) # Should print [ 1.] (1,) float32 #              [ 2.] (1,) float32 print(out) # Should print [array([ 1.], dtype=float32), array([ 2.], dtype=float32)] `

sugartensor.sg_train.sg_restore(sess, save_path, category='')[source]

Restores previously saved variables.

sess: A Session to use to restore the parameters. save_path: Path where parameters were previously saved. category: A String to filter variables starts with given category.



Trains the model.


optim: A name for optimizer. ‘MaxProp’ (default), ‘AdaMax’, ‘Adam’, or ‘sgd’. loss: A 0-D Tensor containing the value to minimize. lr: A Python Scalar (optional). Learning rate. Default is .001. beta1: A Python Scalar (optional). Default is .9. beta2: A Python Scalar (optional). Default is .99.

eval_metric: A list of tensors containing the value to evaluate. Default is []. early_stop: Boolean. If True (default), the training should stop when the following two conditions are met.

  1. Current loss is less than .95 * previous loss.
  2. Current learning rate is less than 5e-6.
lr_reset: Boolean. If True, learning rate is set to when training restarts.
Otherwise (Default), the value of the stored _learning_rate is taken.
save_dir: A string. The root path to which checkpoint and log files are saved.
Default is asset/train.

max_ep: A positive integer. Maximum number of epochs. Default is 1000. ep_size: A positive integer. Number of Total batches in an epoch.

For proper display of log. Default is 1e5.
save_interval: A Python scalar. The interval of saving checkpoint files.
By default, for every 600 seconds, a checkpoint file is written.
log_interval: A Python scalar. The interval of recoding logs.
By default, for every 60 seconds, logging is executed.

max_keep: A positive integer. Maximum number of recent checkpoints to keep. Default is 5. keep_interval: A Python scalar. How often to keep checkpoints. Default is 1 hour.

category: Scope name or list to train

tqdm: Boolean. If True (Default), progress bars are shown. console_log: Boolean. If True, a series of loss will be shown

on the console instead of tensorboard. Default is False.

Decorates a function func as sg_train_func.

func: A function to decorate