from __future__ import absolute_import
import sugartensor as tf
__author__ = ''
# neural network layers
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def sg_bypass(tensor, opt):
r"""Returns the input tensor itself.
tensor: A `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
bn: Boolean. If True, batch normalization is applied.
ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.
dout: A float of range [0, 100). A dropout rate. Default is 0.
act: A name of activation function. e.g., `sigmoid`, `tanh`, etc.
The same tensor as `tensor`.
return tensor
[docs]def sg_dense(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a full connection.
tensor: A 2-D tensor (automatically passed by decorator).
in_dim: An `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: An `integer`. The size of output dimension.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# parameter initialize
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
# apply transform
out = tf.matmul(tensor, w) + b
return out
[docs]def sg_conv(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a 2-D convolution.
tensor: A 4-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
size: A tuple/list of positive integers of length 2 representing `[kernel height, kernel width]`.
Can be an integer if both values are the same.
If not specified, (3, 3) is set implicitly.
stride: A tuple/list of positive integers of length 2 or 4 representing stride dimensions.
If the length is 2, i.e., (a, b), the stride is `[1, a, b, 1]`.
If the length is 4, i.e., (a, b, c, d), the stride is `[a, b, c, d]`.
Can be an integer. If the length is a, the stride is `[1, a, a, 1]`.
Default value is [1, 1, 1, 1].
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# default options
opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1, 1), pad='SAME')
opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size, (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
opt.stride = opt.stride if isinstance(opt.stride, (tuple, list)) else [1, opt.stride, opt.stride, 1]
opt.stride = [1, opt.stride[0], opt.stride[1], 1] if len(opt.stride) == 2 else opt.stride
# parameter initialize
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
# apply convolution
out = tf.nn.conv2d(tensor, w, strides=opt.stride, padding=opt.pad) + b
return out
[docs]def sg_conv1d(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a 1-D convolution.
tensor: A 3-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
size: A positive `integer` representing `[kernel width]`.
If not specified, 2 is set implicitly.
stride: A positive `integer`. The number of entries by which
the filter is moved right at each step.
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# default options
opt += tf.sg_opt(size=2, stride=1, pad='SAME')
# parameter tf.sg_initializer
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (opt.size, opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
# apply convolution
out = tf.nn.conv1d(tensor, w, stride=opt.stride, padding=opt.pad) + b
return out
[docs]def sg_aconv(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a 2-D atrous (or dilated) convolution.
tensor: A 4-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
size: A tuple/list of positive integers of length 2 representing `[kernel height, kernel width]`.
Can be an integer if both values are the same.
If not specified, (3, 3) is set automatically.
rate: A positive integer. The stride with which we sample input values across
the `height` and `width` dimensions. Default is 2.
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# default options
opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), rate=2, pad='SAME')
opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size, (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
# parameter tf.sg_initializer
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
# apply convolution
out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(tensor, w, rate=opt.rate, padding=opt.pad) + b
return out
[docs]def sg_aconv1d(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies 1-D atrous (or dilated) convolution.
tensor: A 3-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
causal: Boolean. If True, zeros are padded before the time axis such that
each activation unit doesn't have receptive neurons beyond the equivalent time step.
size: A positive `integer` representing `[kernel width]`. As a default it is set to 2
if causal is True, 3 otherwise.
rate: A positive `integer`. The stride with which we sample input values across
the `height` and `width` dimensions. Default is 1.
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# default options
opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(2 if opt.causal else 3), rate=1, pad='SAME')
# parameter tf.sg_initializer
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (1, opt.size, opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
if opt.causal:
# pre-padding for causality
if opt.pad == 'SAME':
pad_len = (opt.size - 1) * opt.rate # padding size
x = tf.pad(tensor, [[0, 0], [pad_len, 0], [0, 0]]).sg_expand_dims(axis=1)
x = tensor.sg_expand_dims(axis=1)
# apply 2d convolution
out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(x, w, rate=opt.rate, padding='VALID') + b
# apply 2d convolution
out = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(tensor.sg_expand_dims(axis=1),
w, rate=opt.rate, padding=opt.pad) + b
# reduce dimension
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
out = out.sg_squeeze(axis=1)
return out
[docs]def sg_upconv(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a up convolution (or convolution transpose).
tensor: A 4-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
size: A tuple/list of integers of length 2 representing `[kernel height, kernel width]`.
Can be an integer if both values are the same.
If not specified, (4, 4) is set implicitly.
Default value is [1, 2, 2, 1].
stride: A tuple/list of integers of length 2 or 4 representing stride dimensions.
If the length is 2, i.e., (a, b), the stride is `[1, a, b, 1]`.
If the length is 4, i.e., (a, b, c, d), the stride is `[a, b, c, d]`.
Can be an integer. If the length is a, the stride is `[1, a, a, 1]`.
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# default options
opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(4, 4), stride=(1, 2, 2, 1), pad='SAME')
opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size, (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
opt.stride = opt.stride if isinstance(opt.stride, (tuple, list)) else [1, opt.stride, opt.stride, 1]
opt.stride = [1, opt.stride[0], opt.stride[1], 1] if len(opt.stride) == 2 else opt.stride
# parameter tf.sg_initializer
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.dim, opt.in_dim))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
# tedious shape handling for conv2d_transpose
shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()
out_shape = [tf.shape(tensor)[0], shape[1] * opt.stride[1], shape[2] * opt.stride[2], opt.dim]
# apply convolution
out = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(tensor, w, output_shape=tf.stack(out_shape),
strides=opt.stride, padding=opt.pad) + b
# reset shape is needed because conv2d_transpose() erase all shape information.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
out.set_shape([None, out_shape[1], out_shape[2], opt.dim])
return out
[docs]def sg_upconv1d(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies 1-D a up convolution (or convolution transpose).
tensor: A 3-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
size: A positive `integer` representing `[kernel width]`. As a default it is set to 4
stride: A positive `integer` representing stride dimension. As a default it is set to 2
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# default options
opt += tf.sg_opt(size=4, stride=2, pad='SAME')
opt.size = [opt.size, 1]
opt.stride = [1, opt.stride, 1, 1]
# parameter tf.sg_initializer
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.dim, opt.in_dim))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
# make 4-D tensor
tensor = tensor.sg_expand_dims(axis=2)
# tedious shape handling for conv2d_transpose
shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()
out_shape = [tf.shape(tensor)[0], shape[1] * opt.stride[1], shape[2] * opt.stride[2], opt.dim]
# apply convolution
out = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(tensor, w, output_shape=tf.stack(out_shape),
strides=opt.stride, padding=opt.pad) + b
# reset shape is needed because conv2d_transpose() erase all shape information.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
out.set_shape([None, out_shape[1], out_shape[2], opt.dim])
# squeeze
out = out.sq_squeeze(dim=2)
return out
[docs]def sg_espcn(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a 2-D efficient sub pixel convolution.
(see [Shi et al. 2016](
tensor: A 4-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
size: A tuple/list of positive integers of length 2 representing `[kernel height, kernel width]`.
Can be an integer if both values are the same.
If not specified, (3, 3) is set implicitly.
stride: A tuple/list of positive integers of length 2 or 4 representing stride dimensions.
If the length is 2, i.e., (a, b), the stride is `[1, a, b, 1]`.
If the length is 4, i.e., (a, b, c, d), the stride is `[a, b, c, d]`.
Can be an integer. If the length is a, the stride is `[1, a, a, 1]`.
Default value is [1, 1, 1, 1].
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
pad: Either `SAME` (Default) or `VALID`.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
factor: factor to multiply shape by. Default is 2.
A `Tensor` with the same type as `tensor`.
# default options
opt += tf.sg_opt(size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1, 1, 1), pad='SAME', factor=2)
opt.size = opt.size if isinstance(opt.size, (tuple, list)) else [opt.size, opt.size]
opt.stride = opt.stride if isinstance(opt.stride, (tuple, list)) else [1, opt.stride, opt.stride, 1]
opt.stride = [1, opt.stride[0], opt.stride[1], 1] if len(opt.stride) == 2 else opt.stride
# parameter initialize
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform('W', (opt.size[0], opt.size[1], opt.in_dim, opt.dim * opt.factor * opt.factor))
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim) if opt.bias else 0
# apply convolution
out = tf.nn.conv2d(tensor, w, strides=opt.stride, padding=opt.pad) + b
# apply periodic shuffle
out = out.sg_periodic_shuffle(factor=opt.factor)
return out
# RNN layers
[docs]def sg_emb(**kwargs):
r"""Returns a look-up table for embedding.
name: A name for the layer.
emb: A 2-D array (optional).
If None, the resulting tensor should have the shape of
`[vocabulary size, embedding dimension size]`.
Note that its first row is filled with 0's associated with padding.
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
voca_size: A positive integer. The size of vocabulary.
A 2-D `Tensor` of float32.
opt = tf.sg_opt(kwargs)
assert is not None, 'name is mandatory.'
if opt.emb is None:
# initialize embedding matrix
assert opt.voca_size is not None, 'voca_size is mandatory.'
assert opt.dim is not None, 'dim is mandatory.'
w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform(, (opt.voca_size - 1, opt.dim))
# use given embedding matrix
w = tf.sg_initializer.external(, value=opt.emb)
# 1st row should be zero and not be updated by backprop because of zero padding.
emb = tf.concat([tf.zeros((1, opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx), w], 0)
return emb
# layer normalization for rnn
def _ln_rnn(x, gamma, beta):
r"""Applies layer normalization.
Normalizes the last dimension of the tensor `x`.
x: A `Tensor`.
gamma: A constant `Tensor`. Scale parameter. Default is 1.
beta: A constant `Tensor`. Offset parameter. Default is 0.
A `Tensor` with the same shape as `x`.
# calc layer mean, variance for final axis
mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(x, axes=[len(x.get_shape()) - 1], keep_dims=True)
# apply layer normalization
x = (x - mean) / tf.sqrt(variance + tf.sg_eps)
# apply parameter
return gamma * x + beta
[docs]def sg_rnn(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a simple rnn.
tensor: A 3-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.
init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
A `Tensor`. If last_only is True, the output tensor has shape [batch size, dim].
Otherwise, [batch size, time steps, dim].
# layer normalization
# noinspection PyPep8
ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v
# step function
def step(hh, x):
# simple rnn
y = ln(tf.matmul(x, w) + tf.matmul(hh, u) + (b if opt.bias else 0))
return y
# parameter initialize
w = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U', opt.dim)
if opt.bias:
b = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b', opt.dim)
# layer normalization parameters
if opt.ln:
# offset, scale parameter
beta = tf.sg_initializer.constant('beta', opt.dim)
gamma = tf.sg_initializer.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)
# initial state
init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)
# do rnn loop
h, out = init_h, []
for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
# apply step func
h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
# save result
# merge tensor
if opt.last_only:
out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(axis=1)
out = tf.concat(out, 1)
return out
[docs]def sg_gru(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies a GRU.
tensor: A 3-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.
init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
A `Tensor`. If last_only is True, the output tensor has shape [batch size, dim].
Otherwise, [batch size, time steps, dim].
# layer normalization
# noinspection PyPep8
ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v
# step func
def step(hh, x):
# update gate
z = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_z) + tf.matmul(hh, u_z) + (b_z if opt.bias else 0)))
# reset gate
r = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_r) + tf.matmul(hh, u_r) + (b_r if opt.bias else 0)))
# h_hat
hh = tf.tanh(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_h) + tf.matmul(r * hh, u_h) + (b_h if opt.bias else 0)))
# final output
y = (1. - z) * hh + z * hh
return y
# parameter initialize
w_z = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W_z', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u_z = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U_z', opt.dim)
w_r = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W_r', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u_r = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U_r', opt.dim)
w_h = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W_h', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u_h = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U_h', opt.dim)
if opt.bias:
b_z = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b_z', opt.dim)
b_r = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b_r', opt.dim)
b_h = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b_h', opt.dim)
# layer normalization parameters
if opt.ln:
# offset, scale parameter
beta = tf.sg_initializer.constant('beta', opt.dim)
gamma = tf.sg_initializer.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)
# initial state
init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)
# do rnn loop
h, out = init_h, []
for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
# apply step function
h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
# save result
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
# merge tensor
if opt.last_only:
out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(axis=1)
out = tf.concat(out, 1)
return out
[docs]def sg_lstm(tensor, opt):
r"""Applies an LSTM.
tensor: A 3-D `Tensor` (automatically passed by decorator).
in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.
init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
A `Tensor`. If last_only is True, the output tensor has shape [batch size, dim].
Otherwise, [batch size, time steps, dim].
# layer normalization
# noinspection PyPep8
ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v
# step func
def step(hh, cc, x):
# forget gate
f = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_f) + tf.matmul(hh, u_f) + (b_f if opt.bias else 0)))
# input gate
ii = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_i) + tf.matmul(hh, u_i) + (b_i if opt.bias else 0)))
# new cell value
c_new = tf.tanh(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_c) + tf.matmul(hh, u_c) + (b_c if opt.bias else 0)))
# out gate
o = tf.sigmoid(ln(tf.matmul(x, w_o) + tf.matmul(hh, u_o) + (b_o if opt.bias else 0)))
# cell update
cell = f * cc + ii * c_new
# final output
y = o * tf.tanh(cell)
return y, cell
# parameter initialize
w_i = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W_i', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u_i = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U_i', opt.dim)
w_f = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W_f', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u_f = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U_f', opt.dim)
w_o = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W_o', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u_o = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U_o', opt.dim)
w_c = tf.sg_initializer.orthogonal('W_c', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
u_c = tf.sg_initializer.identity('U_c', opt.dim)
if opt.bias:
b_i = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b_i', opt.dim)
b_f = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b_f', opt.dim)
b_o = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b_o', opt.dim, value=1)
b_c = tf.sg_initializer.constant('b_c', opt.dim)
# layer normalization parameters
if opt.ln:
# offset, scale parameter
beta = tf.sg_initializer.constant('beta', opt.dim)
gamma = tf.sg_initializer.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)
# initial state
init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)
# do rnn loop
h, c, out = init_h, init_h, []
for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
# apply step function
h, c = step(h, c, tensor[:, i, :])
# save result
# merge tensor
if opt.last_only:
out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(axis=1)
out = tf.concat(out, 1)
return out